Inspiring young women to pursue a career in the space industry.

Our Mission

We believe by exposing young women to knowledge, mentorship and hands-on STEM & Space-related activities, it increases self-confidence and inspires a new generation of leaders.

We believe through cross-cultural collaboration, young women have the opportunity to connect, learn and grow together while building positive relationships.

We believe in equity and equality and aim to bridge a systemic gender gap in the STEM & Space Industry.

We educate, empower and inspire young women around the world to be future leaders in science, technology and engineering and the next generation of scientists, thinkers, innovators, space explorers and Nobel Laureates.

We’re committed to a vision of inclusive excellence and dedicated to inspiring young women to help each other overcome obstacles and limitations.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, (SDGs).


Space4Girls has adopted the United Nation’s 2030 vision towards global sustainable development. We believe that by investing in young women worldwide, we’re investing in our future. Our economic security depends on innovation. We believe by increasing representation of women in STEM fields will make tremendous impact.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are essential to the global economy and to sustainable long-term economic growth. STEM education and STEM employment are both crucial. The demand for STEM workers in the United States alone across all industries is expected to grow, faster than other occupations in the next decade.

Women account for half of the labor force, yet they account for only one-quarter of core STEM jobs. Although the participation rates of women in STEM education and occupations have been rising over the past decades, women are still underrepresented in the core STEM fields.

SDGs represented through the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs.

Goal 4 on "Quality Education" reaffirms the belief that education is one of the most powerful and proven vehicles for sustainable development. One of the aims of SDG 4 is to achieve equal and universal access to a quality higher education, which is of utter importance for the STEM fields, as the gap between boys and girls is growing with the level of education. This has direct implications on the opportunities for a better employment and thus results in disparities between salaries of a man and women. STEM education plays a major factor in diminishing the disparities as STEM jobs tend to offer highly paying jobs. Space represents a swiftly growing industry and its current value of over $380 billion is estimated to triple in the next 30 years.

Goal 5 on "Gender Equality" is known as the stand-alone gender goal because it is dedicated to achieving these ends. SDG 5 targets include ensuring women's empowerment - including at decision-making levels in leadership - in political participation, economic empowerment, ensuring a life free of violence and elimination of harmful practices, control over reproductive health and rights, and reforms to give women access to economic resources including natural resources. Importantly, one of the targets (5b) calls for enhancing the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women. In order to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

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