Our Programs
Our immersive 9th-12th grade (high school) extracurricular programs are designed for both educators and young women who are inspired to experience and learn about space exploration through STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
We provide engaging, hands-on educational activities developed to match grade level standards, so our young female students are challenged, inspired and eager to explore a future in SPACE & STEM.
Curriculum Module
Girls Strat™ Space Weather Balloon
This 12-week extracurricular program will finish with the official launch to space with our high-altitude weather balloon in collaboration with our selected educators and female students. Each unit will teach students physics concepts and experimental research skills with a mission to make space exploration accessible to young women.
A weather balloon lifts a specially designed payload package that is composed of HD cameras, GPS tracking devices, and other science equipment. The payload is constructed and attached to the balloon by the students with low-cost materials. The balloon and payload are launched with FAA clearance from a site chosen based on wind patterns and predicted safe landing locations.
The Space4Girls launched balloon ascends over two hours to a maximum altitude of 100,000 feet or more, where it bursts, allowing the payload to slowly descend using a built-in parachute. The balloon’s location is monitored during its flight by GPS-satellite relay. The payload is located using the GPS device, and the HD video/stills and science and engineering data are then recovered from the payload.
This educational process has been adopted by AIAA’s Space Weather Balloon curriculum module and is being expanded to a nationwide program to give students hands-on access to a totally unique environment, the edge of space.
Our Space4Girls students will conduct atmospheric research with high-altitude balloon launch upon the completion of this 12-week Space Weather Balloon module.
Girls Strat™ in the news
“ Girls cannot be what they cannot see.”
Curriculum Module
Interstellar Biology™
The main objective of Space Biology Research is to build a better understanding of how spaceflight affects living systems in spacecraft such as the International Space Station (ISS), or in ground-based experiments that mimic aspects of spaceflight, and to prepare for future human exploration missions far from Earth. The experiments we conduct on these platforms examine how plants and microbes adjust or adapt to living in space.
Our program’s core objectives include:
Discover how biological systems respond, acclimate and adapt to the space environment
Design physiological models for biology in space
Identify the underlying mechanisms and networks that govern biological processes in the space environment
Promote open science through the NASA GeneLab Data System , Life Sciences Data Archive an other open source space science resources
Learn about cutting-edge biological technologies to facilitate spaceflight research
Explore human health in space
Understanding of life on Earth
Mentorship from global Leaders in the fields of Astro Biology and Space Science
“If we want scientists and engineers in the future, we should be cultivating the girls as much as the boys.”
Curriculum Module
Space4girls inspires Young Women to Become Creators, Founders and Leaders in STEM & Space
This module delivers a depth of lifelong knowledge while inspiring confidence and personal empowerment.
Space4Girls helps young women to harness their own unique ideas, unleash creativity and learn what it takes to covert an idea into a business.
Develop a strategic mindset — apply it within daily life
Discover your purpose
Develop presentation skills and demonstrate what has been learned in a final Space4Girls project.
Earn a Astropreneurship Certificate
This module UNITS includes:
Market Segments and Opportunities in STEM & Space
Protecting Ideas & Intellectual Property
Converting an Idea Into a Business Model
Key Elements of a Business Plan
Money Matters &Financial Empowerment
Research & Development
Branding & Marketing
Mentorship from Successful Entrepreneurs
Curriculum Module
Flourishing on Earth™
Health, LONGEVITY & Human Performance
Learn life lessons from leaders and change-makers.
Flourishing is one of the most important and promising topics. Not only does it relate to many other positive concepts, it holds the key to improving the quality of life for people around the world. Discovering the pieces to the flourishing puzzle and learning how to effectively apply research findings to real life has tremendous implications for the way we live and relate to one another.
Flourishing moves beyond the confines of simple happiness or wellbeing; it encompasses a wide range of positive constructs and offers a more holistic perspective on what it means to be well, happy and thrive on planet Earth.
The six factors in this module are:
Feeling Positive
Believing in Yourself
Building Lifelong Relationships
Finding Your Core Purpose
Becomiing a Trailblazer
Nurturing Personal Health and Wellbeing
Being Inspired to Support our Planet
“Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination.”
Don’t let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity.
It’s your place in the world; it’s your life.”
“I came back to Earth with this undeniable truth of wow, we are already all in space together. We need to start acting more like that.”